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Exporting Test Coverage

When testing applications that run in Docker containers, their code coverage will not be included in the report by default.

Assuming you're using or pytest-cov, to get the code coverage from the Testcontainer, you need to export the .coverage file from the container to the host machine and append it to the root .coverage report.

To generate the code coverage report from TomodachiContainer, start the container with the coverage run -m tomodachi run ... command. The coverage tool will keep track of the code that has been executed, and write the coverage report to .coverage file when the container stops.

from typing import Generator

import pytest

from tomodachi_testcontainers import DockerContainer, TomodachiContainer

def tomodachi_container(testcontainer_image: str) -> Generator[DockerContainer, None, None]:
    with TomodachiContainer(testcontainer_image).with_command(
        "coverage run -m tomodachi run src/ --production"
    ) as container:
        yield container

Configure the coverage tool in the pyproject.toml file:

optional = true

pytest-cov = "^4.1.0"

branch = true
source = ["src/"]

To signal the TomodachiContainer to export the .coverage file when the container stops, set the TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_EXPORT_COVERAGE environment variable to 1. Coverage export is disabled by default not to pollute the host machine with .coverage files. Generally, you'll be running tests with coverage in the deployment pipeline, so set the environment variable in the CI/CD server configuration.

Tying it all together, run pytest with the coverage mode. The .coverage file will be saved in the current working directory on the host machine.


Here's an example of how this project runs tests with code coverage in the deployment pipeline (

coverage erase

    --cov-append \
    --cov-branch \
    --cov-report=xml:build/coverage.xml \
    --cov-report=html:build/htmlcov \
    -v \

If source code paths are different in the container and on the host machine, e.g., because the container is running in a different directory, you might have to re-map the paths with coverage tool. See Re-mapping paths in the documentation.

See an example of how the combined test coverage looks at The examples/ services are tested only with Testcontainer tests; their coverage is included in the final report.